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Meet Kimberly

Wife, mom, apostle, revivalist, intercessor and entrepreneur

 Kimberly Jackson-Jones is a native Houstonian who has been happily married to Tommy Jones since December 1996. Together they have 3 handsome sons (Dominic, Tommy Jr., and Anthony) and 1 beautiful daughter (Kelsey). 


Kimberly is the visionary of S.W.A.N.S International (Sisters With Anointed Nurturing Spirits) a community based women's ministry since 2005 and S.I.P Ministries (Soaking In His Presence) where she is affectionately known as "The Soaking Lady" since 2012 as she teaches people how to develop "true intimacy" with The Father. With a Prophetic Mantle on her life, Kimberly is a recognized Prophetess and has been serving as a Licensed and Ordained Minister of the Gospel since December 2006.
Kimberly holds a Bachelor's Degree of Arts in Theology since June 2009 through Calvary Theological Seminary of Lake Charles, Louisiana under the Director of Studies Dr. Barbara B. Wright. Her accomplishments include a Certification of

"An Elite Intercessor" recognized November 2009 by African Missionary Foundation Inc. A.M.F School of Prophets and Intercessors under Prophet Nathaniel Nwobu and a Certification of Completion by Elijah to Elisha Apostolic Prophetic Training Center where Kimberly served as part of the staff from February 2005-2015 faithfully under Dr. Ida B. Ullrich.


Kimberly's greatest passion is Prayer and it is this foundation of Prayer that has allowed her to be used in a capacity that brings Glory to God as she fulfills the Mandate on her life.

Kim Jackson Jones

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